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Breaks from caring come in all shapes and sizes. Our directory lists more than 400 short break services across Scotland and beyond.

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Creative Breaks - now open for applications

The Creative Breaks programme of the Short Breaks Fund is now open for applications for 2024-2025. 

This programme provides 12 month grants to third sector organisations to develop and deliver short breaks projects and services for carers of adults (aged 21 years and over), and young carers (caring for children or adults), and the people that they care for.

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We aim to improve the quality and provision of short breaks in Scotland.

To do this, our small team covers a wide range of activities from information services such as our directory, events and publications through to research and policy work. 

We work closely with other organisations, such as Scottish Government and the National Carer Organisations and we also deliver three programmes of the Short Breaks Fund, as well as our innovative social tourism initiative, Respitality

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Parent carer quote

It’s so hard, sometimes, as a parent of a child with additional needs. It’s been brilliant to see our children have fun and make new friends, and to bond, laugh, cry with other parents that have similar challenges.
Parent carer About a project funded through the Short Breaks Fund