Describing my job in its simplest form, I’d say I put words and ideas together with two main aims: to make sure information about short breaks, our work and our impact is readily available, and to make sure that the direction of short breaks in Scotland is influenced by those who matter.  

These two things are mirrored in the twin title of my role: Head of Policy and Communications.  

As an organisation we aim to be a trusted place people can go for quality information and guidance. My role is to make sure that we hit the spot.  Carers tell us that the lack of information is a huge barrier to them getting the support they need, so all our communications activity - our social media, website, events, publications, enquiries – is a chance to break those barriers down, and actually make a difference.  

Policy is harder to define. We aim to be a leading voice on carers’ rights and help shape what short breaks look like in Scotland in the future. We’re in a unique position in the middle of a web between government, councils, carers, and organisations so we can take a balanced view.  

My role is about gathering the strands of the web together, understanding what they are telling us and why, and using that information to shape our approach. Whether that’s talking to government about new legislation and rights, or building resources for organisations to use. Always with a singular goal – improving breaks for carers.  

Outside of work I’m a firm believer that there’s nothing in life that can’t be improved by the addition of one of three things: coffee, red lipstick, or going outside. Put them together with a good book and it’s my ideal break.