Service Details

Brief description:

We match volunteer befrienders on a one to one basis with people over 55 who have become socially isolated because of illness, disability or some difficulty or change of circumstance. Befrienders visit regularly and may undertake activities such as a home visit, a trip out to local place of interest or to access local community facilities, or share hobbies and interests

Organisation name:

Kincardine and Deeside Befriending

Type of break:


Care needs catered for:

Infirm and Elderly

Ages catered for:

Older Adults

How do people access your service:

We accept referrals from professionals involved in the person's care, self-referrals, or referrals from family, friends etc. Visit our website or telephone the project for more information and a referral form.

Full service description:

We match volunteer befrienders on a one to one basis with people over 55 who have become socially isolated because of illness, disability or some difficulty or change of circumstance. Befrienders visit regularly once a week or fortnight and undertake a variety of activities with the client such as home visit, outing to local places of interest or to access local services, or sharing hobbies and interests. Befrienders carry out a purely social role and do not undertake any personal care or domestic duties. They can provide emotional and practical support, help to enable people to access community facilities, allowing increased confidence and self esteem and support for carers.

Price information:

No charge for service.

Organisation providing this information:

Kincardine and Deeside Befriending

Quality Assurance Accreditation:

OSCR, Quality in Befriending


While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.

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