About us
We support unpaid carers in finding balance
Our vision is for a Scotland where every unpaid carer can live a full and balanced life, with the assistance they need to take regular, quality breaks from the demands of their caring routines.

Shared Care Scotland is a small organisation with a big ambition.
We aim to be the leading source of information on short breaks in Scotland.
In Scotland it is estimated there are between 700,000 and 800,000 people of all ages who provide unpaid care for a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour who needs assistance due to a physical or mental illness, disability, age or addiction-related health problems.
Access to breaks from caring provides a much-needed release from the physical and emotional demands of the caring situation and can help carers achieve better balance in their lives by looking after their own health and wellbeing.
Improving short breaks and respite access
Our work is focused on ensuring carers and the people they care for have access to regular, meaningful breaks that work for them. We want to improve the quality, choice and availability of short breaks and respite care across Scotland.

Our work
Our work includes running a carer enquiry service and online short breaks directory, operating three Short Breaks Fund programmes, our Respitality initiative, work to influence policy and practice, research and learning exchange, and much more.
Help make a carer's day!
Respitality is a Scottish Government supported project which is delivered locally by approved Respitality Delivery Partners and coordinated nationally by Shared Care Scotland.