Introduction to Creative Breaks
The Creative Breaks programme provides 12 month grants to third sector organisations to develop and deliver short breaks projects and services for carers of adults (aged 21 years and over), and young carers (caring for children or adults), and the people that they care for.
Funded activities
The Creative Breaks programme funds a wide variety of short breaks activities – including breaks away (i.e., overnight stays, residential breaks), days out, and/or shorter sessions (i.e., regular activities). Activities must be designed to enable carers to have a life outside or alongside caring, and support their health and wellbeing. Short breaks should also benefit the cared-for person and others (e.g., family members) and help sustain the caring relationship.
The Creative Breaks Timeline gives an overview of key dates and timing from when the fund opens.
Stepping Out Remote, Rural and Island Breaks for Carers, Nature, Music and Stars Project, involved taking groups of carers to remote, rural parts of Scotland to take part in a supported residential short break. Activities included foraging, astronomy, art workshops, paddle-boarding, shepherding, signing and music, Island Tours and exploring local areas.

Care for Carers
These breaks enable me to try things I never would, also giving me some space to do things on my own and be with people in a similar situation that understand me. I return refreshed and able to keep going, I can take a breath and let go.Care for Carers