Carers survey 2024

Carer short break survey 2024

Shared Care Scotland invites you to participate in a survey to gather insights on your experiences and needs related to short breaks and respite care.

Take part in our survey

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Why is Shared Care Scotland doing a survey?

The Shared Care Scotland carers’ experience survey will gather carers insights and experiences of accessing and using short breaks and respite services in Scotland.

We carry out occasional surveys to improve our understanding of the needs of unpaid carers and to make sure we are hearing directly from those who use short break services, their carers and their families. 

This helps us better influence the development of national and local policies and practice and improves carers access to meaningful breaks from caring. 

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Why take part

With a new 'right to a break' in development, it has never been more important to put carers voices at the heart of decision-making. Our survey helps us understand what matters most to carers so we can best represent them in our work.
Don Williamson CEO, Shared Care Scotland

Who can take part?

Our survey is open to all unpaid carers in Scotland. We would like to hear from carers of any age who are providing unpaid support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who needs their help. This could be due to frailty, disability, a long-term health condition, mental ill-health, or substance misuse. You do not need to be living with the person you support or providing a certain number of hours or level of care to be considered a carer. 

The survey is online and will be open from May 2024 until July 31 2024. We encourage you to share it as widely as possible to ensure that the diverse range of carers and caring in Scotland is represented. 

We will also be running some focus groups where we will explore some of the themes in more detail. Please contact us if you'd like to take part. 

Share your views and experiences

We want to hear about your experiences of accessing and using short breaks services in Scotland.

In the past 'respite' often meant overnight support for the person you care for so that you can have a break from caring, but 'breaks' should offer a wider variety of options allowing carers regular opportunities to relax, recharge, spend time with friends and loved ones, take a holiday, or engage in preferred activities they enjoy.

Start survey

What will the data be used for?

The data from our survey will be analysed by the Shared Care Scotland team following the closing date at the end of July 2024. 

After our initial analysis we will also conduct a number of focus groups to discuss the issues in more detail with particular groups of carers. This may include those that are under-represented in the survey, or specific groups of carers such as parent-carers, carers from rural areas, or those caring for people with specific or high level of need.

The findings from the survey will be published in a report, and we may also hold an event to share further information on our findings. All those who take part in the survey will be kept informed of how the results will be used, and full information will be published on this part of our website too.

If you take part in the survey your data will be managed in accordance with our privacy policy and all responses will be anonymised and unattributed. 

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Your voice matters

People with lived experience must be partners in the commissioning process and integral to decision-making and prioritisation, monitoring progress and making improvements; nothing about me, without me, as the saying goes.
Derek Feeley quote from the Independent Review of Adult Social Care

Can your organisation share our survey?

If you are an organisation that works to support unpaid carers or those they care for, we'd love it if you could help share our survey so that we can reach as many people as possible. 

We have created some social posts, images and flyers that you can download and copy-paste straight into your social accounts. 

Download our carers survey comms pack here